• 姓名: 宋孟珂
  • 职称: 副研究员
  • 学位: 博士
  • 华南农业大学
  • 资源环境学院
性别:女 职称:副研究员/硕士生导师 Email:songmengke@cau.edu.cn 办公电话: 办公地址:资环楼1015室


2011.09~2014.12:中国科学院广州地球化学研究所 环境科学  理学博士
2014.7~2014.12:英国Lancaster university访学


2017.09-至今:华南农业大学资源环境学院 副研究员
2015.01~2017.06:中国科学院广州地球化学研究所  地球化学  博士后


担任Science of the Total Environment,Journal of Hazardous Materials等期刊审稿人。





1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于稳定同位素探针技术的根际PAEs降解功能微生物研究(No. 41807348),2019-2021,25万元,在研,主持。
2) 广东省自然科学基金自由探索项目:农田土壤PAEs降解微生物研究(No. 2018A030313485),2019-2021,10万元,结题,主持。
3) 广东省博士启动基金项目:电子垃圾污染土壤中多环芳烃降解功能微生物的鉴定(No.2016A030310118),2016-2019,10万元,结题,主持。
4) 第58批博士后科学基金面上项目:电子垃圾污染土壤中不可培养多氯联苯降解功能菌的鉴定(No.2015M582430),2015-2016,5万元,结题,主持。
5)国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于DNA-稳定同位素探针技术的原位植物根际PCBs降解功能微生物的探查及降解机理研究(41673111),2017.01- 2020.12,71万元,骨干参与。
7) 国家自然科学基金重点项目,NSFC-广东省联合基金:电子垃圾重金属-POPs复合污染土壤的生物修复机制(U1133004),2012.01-2015.12,250万元,骨干参与。
8) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于稳定同位素探针技术的多环芳烃降解微生物研究(41173082),2012.01-2015.12,73万元,骨干参与。


1.Song, M.K., Jiang, L.F., Zhang, D.Y., Huang, Z.L., Wang, S.R., Luo, C.L and Zhang, G. (2021) Uptake, Acropetal Translocation, and Enantioselectivity of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate in Maize Coexisting with Copper. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
2. Song, M.K., Song, D.D., Jiang, L.F., Zhang, D.Y., Sun, Y.T., L, Y.T., Luo, C.L., and Zhang, G. (2021) Large-scale biogeographical patterns of antibiotic resistome in the forest soils across China. Journal of Hazardous Materials.
3. Jiang, L.F., Song, M.K., Luo, C.L., Zhang, D.Y. and Zhang, G. (2020) Decoupled spatial distribution of PAHs degraders determined by taxonomic 16S rRNA and degrading genes across Chinese forest soils. JGR-Biogeoscience. 共同第一作者
4. Song, M.K., Peng K, Jiang, L.F., Zhang, D.Y., Li, Y.T. and Luo, C.L. (2020) Alleviated Antibiotic-Resistant Genes in the Rhizosphere of Agricultural Soils with Low Antibiotic Concentration. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
5. Song, M.K., Jiang, L.F., Zhang, D.Y., Yin, H. Li, Y.T. and Luo, C.L. (2019) The complex interactions between novel DEHP-metabolising bacteria and the microbes in agricultural soils. Science of the Total Environment.
6. Song, M.K., Luo, C.L., Jiang, L.F., Zhang, D.Y., Wang, Y.J., Li, Y.T. and Zhang, G. (2019) The presence of in situ sulphamethoxazole degraders and their interactions with other microbes in activated sludge as revealed by DNA stable isotope probing and molecular ecological network analysis. Environment International.
7. Song, M.K., Jiang, L.F., Zhang, D.Y., Luo, C.L., Yin, H. and Zhang, G. (2018) Identification of biphenyl-metabolising microbes in activated biosludge using cultivation-independent and -dependent approaches. Journal of Hazardous Materials.
8. Song, M.K., Cheng, Z.N., Luo, C.L., Jiang, L.F., Zhang, D.Y.,Yin, H. and Zhang, G. (2017) Rhizospheric effects on the microbial community of e-waste-contaminated soils using phospholipid fatty acid and isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether analyses. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25(10),9904-9914.
9. Song, M.K., Yang, Y., Jiang, L.F., Hong,Q., Zhang, D.Y., Shen, Z., Yin, H., Luo, C.L. (2017) Characterisation of the phenanthrene degradation-related genes and degrading ability of a newly isolated copper-tolerant bacterium. Environmental Pollution 220, 1059-1067.
10. Song, M.K., Jiang, L.F., Zhang, D.Y., Luo, C.L., Wang, Y., Yu, Z.Q., Yin, H. and Zhang, G. (2016) Bacteria capable of degrading anthracene, phenanthrene, and fluoranthene as revealed by DNA based stable-isotope probing in a forest soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 308, 50-57.
11. Song, M.K., Luo, C.L., Jiang, L.F., Zhang, D.Y., Wang, Y.J. and Zhang, G. (2015a) Identification of Benzo[a]pyrene-Metabolizing Bacteria in Forest Soils by Using DNA-Based Stable-Isotope Probing. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81(21), 7368-7376.
12. Song, M.K., Luo, C.L., Li, F.B., Jiang, L.F., Wang, Y., Zhang, D.Y. and Zhang, G. (2015b) Anaerobic degradation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Polychlorinated Biphenyls Ethers (PBDEs), and microbial community dynamics of electronic waste-contaminated soil. Science of the Total Environment 502, 426-433.
13. Jiang, L.F., Song, M.K., Luo, C.L., Zhang, D.Y. and Zhang, G. (2015) Novel Phenanthrene-Degrading Bacteria Identified by DNA-Stable Isotope Probing. Plos One 10(6).  共同第一作者
14. 宋孟珂, 江龙飞, 王琰, 罗春玲 和 张干 (2014) 稳定同位素探针技术在有机污染物生物降解中的应用. 微生物学通报 41(4), 699-711.